Paralegal Camille Carvalho visits the Border

March 17-22 – Massa Viana Paralegal Camille Carvalho participated in an alternative Spring Break
experience to the Mexico-United States border with nine fellow students and three professors. On this
trip, hosted by Border Servant Corp, in Las Cruces, NM, paralegal Camille Carvalho and her group
had the opportunity to serve a refugee camp, see the ground-level work that goes on at the El Paso
airport, and visit the El Paso port of entry. The next day, the group sat in on a Magistrate Court docket
followed by a Q&A session with the magistrate judge and met with a federal public defender. In the
following days, they chatted with a staff member of a U.S. senator for NM and attended presentations
by the American Civil Liberties Union and Estrella del Paso, an organization providing Pro Bono legal
services to immigrants. On their final day, they toured the Border Patrol Museum, saw the border wall
firsthand and met with the CEO of Annunciation House, a volunteer organization focused on helping

Pictured above is the group standing with Ruben Garcia, CEO of Annunciation House, in one of their
many shelters in El Paso. This trip, organized by Dr. Patricia Sanchez-Connally, a university
Sociology professor is a crucial first step towards setting the record straight on the false narrative that
exists about borderlands.


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